First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of posts this past week. A new job has limited the time to prepare a forecast properly.
To make a good forecast for this blog, usually takes a minimum of 1 hour and sometimes up to 2 hours PLUS, depending on what is going on.
So what is going on? Briefly, the pattern that had been persistent from last Fall, through the winter into early April has shifted and we are now in a flow in which the storm track tends to be directly over us, or even to the south of New England.
It is something I like to refer to as the "roller coaster effect"
You can think of the jet stream as a roller coaster track, with the storms going along. New England just happens to be in the dip of the track so everything just pours into the region, the wet and the cool weather. |
A weak front will help usher in some drier air today on Sunday, but with a lot of moisture in the ground from days of rain, the sun will help produce some clouds before there is enough drier air to overtake the moisture. The weak stationary front to the south will be a focus for the storm track later this week as mid week looks wet. |