Saturday, November 3, 2012

11/3/12 Potential Severe Nor'Easter to impact Sandy areas

A significant Nor'easter is shaping up for later mid week.

Right now it is too early to say the direct impacts, here are some details.

  • Significant Snow in New England
  • Light Snow in Boston, NYC
  • Coastal Flooding possible
  • Winds - Gale to Storm force possible  (30-60mph)
The weather map for 7 PM Wednesday showing a strong storm south of Cape Cod.  Colors on this map indicate wind speed. A strong North East wind will impact New England with high gusts and strong waves prompting some coastal flooding.


The first significant snow will fall across the higher terrain of New England with over a foot possible in the Berkshires.

I would not yet be confident in an exact forecast, but take with this the following:

  • Purple -  general coating to 3"
  • Blues - 3-6"
  • Oranges - 6-12"
  • Deep red - Over a foot"

Also, Sunday night will feature a widespread freeze across ALL the Boston area, Expect any remaining outside plants to freeze and if you have yet to do so, prepare for winter now.