Friday, June 24, 2011


The good news is... the heavy rains are mostly over. The bad news, it will still stay cool and damp until Sunday.
A cold pool of air aloft over the Great Lakes will begin to move east today. This cold air aloft will continue to allow for an east flow of air off of the ocean to create cool temperatures, clouds and drizzle.
Cool air is dammed in New England, thunderstorms will form in PA/NY/NJ and push eastward tonight. The visible image shows the expanse of cloud cover associated with this low. The clearing over Minnesota and Iowa will be our weather on Sunday.

So for Friday, plenty of low clouds, drizzle, high only gets to 63!  Thunderstorms develop over NY, NJ and western CT later today. These storms may hold or at least keep their moisture to bring heavy showers and a possible thunderstorm into the evening hours tonight.

Saturday - Not a total washout of a day, it will be warmer with a scattered shower possible. Plenty of clouds, but could see a few breaks. A cool front finally pushes through on Saturday night to get the cooler ocean air a boost and our winds shift to the north west. A brief shower can be expected overnight Sat into early Sunday.

Saturday - A warm front will struggle to get through Eastern NH and into Maine, where temps struggle to get out of the 60's.  Warmest in the CT River Valley and in NY.

Sunday, the northwest wind will set up, which is a drying wind, will be over us will help provide for a sunny day with perhaps a few clouds and a high in the mid 70's. Yes the cool front will help it get warmer! 

Monday, some good sunshine and dry

Tuesday, strong south wind! Warm and more humid

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