Monday, June 27, 2011

Sea Breezes and Cloud Features

I love when a satellite image tells a good story of the weather.

There is so much to see in the picture. Sea breezes, lake breezes, lake shaddows, valley shaddows.

  • Cape Cod is in the clear do to the stabilization of the ocean air.
  • The Sea Breeze has moved in from NH all the way to NYC. 
  • A sea breeze convergence is over Long Island. 
  • The Lake Champlain Valley is clear.
  • The Susquehanna River Valley in NY & PA is well defined.
  • Finger Lakes & Oneida Lake shaddows over NY
  • Sea Breeze over Buzzards Bay & Narraganset Bay
  • Connecticut River Valley Shaddow

The air is generally unstable. The sun hits the earth, which now has a lot of moisture in it from days of rain, the heat the rebounds back into the atmosphere taking the moisture with it and forming clouds.

Where the air is more stable, cooler water creates stability, also air being pushed down into a valley creates stability, there are less or no clouds.  The wind then will push this stable air inland or if over a lake or river, primarily downwind or overhead of such areas.

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