Thursday, September 8, 2011

9/08/11 the sun will come out

Lee, the tropical storm that came ashore in Louisiana over Labor Day weekend helped develop some of the worst flooding ever seen in parts of New York and Pennsylvania. This moisture also reached into New England.

Rainfall generally associated with 'Lee'
Hurricane Katia will not be a concern for our weather at all, except for some high swells and rip currents on the coastline.

The low the is part of Lee is over the Ohio Valley and is more part of a larger weather system trapped with Lee's moisture.  This will slowly break apart and move eastward over the next 4 days. It will be in pieces though and track mainly to the south of New England as high pressure from the north moves in for Saturday.

Saturday afternoon Forecast.
Expect a brief warm up starting next week, followed by the chance of the first shot of COLD air into northern New England late next week. (Talking frost in the cold spots)

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