Sunday, October 23, 2011

10/23/11 Sunday sun.. then a world of changes

One of the inevitable aspects of late autumn is the fact that the number of warm days are few and far between whereas you can start to assume it is going to be cooler with some down right chilly days.

There is usually a week in the weather where the transition really becomes pronounced and this week will be that week. We will see temperatures in the 60's this week, but will struggle to get out of the 40s by weeks end.  If we do not hit 50 it will be the first time to not get out of the 40s since April 20.

The remainder of the week will feature small pulses of weather that will end up with a digging trough of colder air by the weekend for much of the east coast as colder air building in Canada will make its first major surge southward.

By Friday the colder air surges south and an overall cooling takes place
A stormy weather pattern is setting, right now a strong storm could track up the coastline during the late week to bring some rain and wind and may continue into the early weekend.

Interior parts and higher elevations may get some snow.

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