Thursday, December 8, 2011

12/8/11 The first Arctic airmass moves in!

I am sure for a while, many of you have thought, where is winter, or at least, it does not feel like Christmas weather. Then you hear of places like Texas or Mississippi receiving snowfall and you are wearing shorts in Boston. Somthing just did not seem right.

This graph of the temperatures at Boston tell the storm of how warm it has been since October 1, 2011. The coldest temperature was only 31 degrees (at the airport). Many areas have fallen into the 20s, but it is still indicative of how warm it has been. One day below freezing!

This will change this weekend as a shot of arctic air finally pushes south over the Northeast and will allow temperatures to fall to or below normal, at least for a few days.

The pinks and purples on this map are cold temperatures with the deepest purples still over Canada. However this airmass will allow all areas to drop into the teens and 20s for overnight lows and only allow daytime highs to reach about 40 in the Boston area. Outlying areas will be cooler.  However, not the mild (green) air over the northern plains, this will move back into the area later next week, but will not last as shots of cooler air get reinforced.

Overnight Saturday will be one of the coldest mornings of the season so far across New England.
Note:  My 5 day forecast is for the general Boston metro area and is likely an average of what you can expect across Boston. (Official readings are at the airport, and only a few of you live in that location) So I try to incorporate some of the surrounding areas as well.

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