Monday, February 20, 2012

2/20/12 Spring Like Weather to move in.. Big Storm (Rain) by Weeks end..

As I mentioned the other day. Some changes to the weather pattern are occurring this week.  The first, was a snow storm that swept through the North Carolina and Virginia yesterday, which is now south of New England. This storm will not bring any bad weather to New England, with the exception of some high clouds this morning.

Cool Canadian high pressure will build in for Monday and Tuesday allowing temperatures to climb to near 40 today and mid 40s by Tuesday.  The Low which is currently over Nebraska will actually track north east into southern Ontario and begin the strengthen. As this low will be north and west of New England, it will allow winds to bring in warmer air from the south, along with the chance of some scattered rain showers.

By Friday, the Low which is over the Pacific Ocean now will merge with the Low over Canada and strengthen into a potent storm, however, at this time the low appears as if it will move into Canada and allow for even warmer air to arrive by Friday where temperatures could top out into the lower 60's..  A strong cold front with perhaps thunderstorms are possible early Saturday.

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