Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16/12 A record HOT Patriots Day and Marathon Day!

Record heat will invade much of Southern New England (away from the south coasts) today with quite a few areas reaching the lower 90s as a southwest wind brings in the heat.

90s will be seen in the Merrimack Valley of NH and MA today. Elsewhere upper 80s are likely across much of the state.  South facing coastal areas and the Cape and Islands will be coolest today. 

Keep in mind the ocean water temperatures are in the mid to upper 40s!! 

UV readings will also be high today 6-7, which if outside without any sunscreen can produce a sunburn.

Fire danger is extremely high today, please use extreme caution if bbq'ing, smoking etc.  Any spark could ignite a brush fire as the ground is extremely dry and the dry conditions today will help fuel any fires.

The Marathon will be plagued with hot temperatures. I am sure if you are running you are aware of what the heat will do. If you are spectating, keep in mind the high temperatures can also take its toll on you with dehydration, sunburn and overheating. Please take care.

The cold front to the west will push through overnight tonight, but move well north of us, so temperatures will only gradually cool over the next few days.

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