Friday, October 26, 2012

10/26/12 Please take serious read about Sandy

I know you want to know where Sandy is going and what will happen for you?

There are 2 main scenarios as to where Sandy is going to go.

2.  Sandy makes a very hard left toward the NJ, Delmarva coast. ( discussed later)

1.  Sandy still turns left, but gets a bit further north and tracks WEST along the Southern
     New England coast.

Lets take a look at # 1.   (for my MA friends)

This idea scares me so much.  Most everyone reading this will not even be able to comprehend what could happen in this type of situation. 

Hurricane Sandy in this scenario runs up the coast but come back west toward the SE Massachusetts coastline by 8 AM Tuesday morning. 

Sandy then either skirts the south coast into Long Island or NYC. What is frightening is that in all of history, most hurricanes are coming at New England from the south and moving Northeast.  Sandy will NOT be doing this

Sandy will be coming at New England from the North West.  The worst part of Sandy will be her right front quadrant relative to storm motion. Wind will pile waves

For Boston tho:

  • Possibly 6 hours + of hurricane force winds ( Green area)
  • Coastal Storm Surge 3-6 feet. Cat 1 or 2.
  • Waves 30+feet 
  • Rainfall 

If you are concerned about where you live, check out the maps at this link

each town, or region is mapped out to show you the effects of storm surge in your area. Prepare now!!  

Winds -  the scariest situation I am seeing is both storm surge and WIND.   One of the computer models is suggesting that 115 mph wind speeds will be just above the surface (indicated in the browns on the map below)  Since Sandy will not be in a true tropical state, these winds could mix down to the surface at any given time.   Note too the wind field with Sandy it HUGE!   Gales extend from South Carolina to Nova Scotia and back to Ohio and Ontario!

If you want to see what Sandy could be capable of doing, watch this video from 1938.

Follow these tips to prepare yourself.

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