Monday, August 1, 2011

August - Look Out! - Tropical Update 8/1

An old Yankee saying went:

June too Soon
July Stand-by
August Look Out
September Remember
October All Over

This applied to New Englanders and their outlook on hurricanes, long before tracking, satellites and daily weather reports.  Even newspapers made reference to the late summer storms as if they were expected.   Now that it is August, lets take a look at the last 5 hurricanes to strike New England in the Month of August.

August hurricanes striking New England.

It has been 20 years since the last direct strike of a hurricane in New England.

Tropical Update:

A strong tropical wave could develop further today east of the Caribbean islands and track near Puerto Rico. The tropical cyclone could then track into the Bahammas by Friday and be off the Florida coast by the weekend.

The track is still very uncertain at this time, it is highly possible there will be no direct threat to the US.

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